Events in New Jersey

Mike Hanley
26 Jul 08:00 PM event_repeat
Until 26 Jul, 11:30 PM 3h 30m

Mike Hanley

Catch A Rising Star Comedy Club at the Hyatt Regency Princeton 102 Carnegie Center Dr, Princeton, NJ 08540

Mike Hanley�s unique style of high-energy, full tilt comedy has left audiences all over erupting in laughter. If you are married you will laugh at Mike�s hysterical stories. If you are single you will want to stay that way for the rest of your life. From relationships to kids to the day-to-day grind, Mike has a story that will be sure to have you on the edge of your seat. There is no mistaking Mike�s trademark intensity the minute he hits the stage.

Early on he won the Funniest Person on Campus-Stand Up Comedy Competition at the University of Connecticut. He went on to become a finalist in the Tonight Show�s Funniest Person in RI, WBCN�s Boston Comedy Riot as well as the RI Comedy Festival. Most recently, he won first place in the Catch A New Rising Star Comedy Competition at Catch A Rising Star in Twin River Casino in Lincoln, RI.

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