Trees | Cherry Hill Township, NJ

For a Tree Removal Permit Application please click “here” or apply online through the link below. CHIP apply now II

General Requirements 

A Tree Removal Permit is required for any person desiring to destroy, cut, remove, or trim more than thirty (30%) percent of any tree (including trees in healthy or poor condition, and dead) that has a diameter at breast height (hereinafter “DBH”) equal to or greater than five (5) inches (or 15.7 inch circumference).   The following are the only exceptions to a Tree Removal Permit:

  1. removal of vegetation (bushes, shrubs, plants, etc.) or trees less than five (5) inches DBH;
  2. the removal of invasive tree species (You must still contact DPW prior to removal to confirm/inspect);
  3. the regular pruning and maintenance of trees;
  4. for trees deemed an “Imminent Threat” (You must contact DPW prior to removal to confirm/inspect); or 
  5. for tree removal required as a precondition to the issuance of a Certificate of Continued Occupancy by the Township’s Property Maintenance Officer.  

“Person” means a natural or legal person, including but not limited to: a property owner, tenant, occupant, resident, contractor, or tree removal company, whether an individual, corporation, company, association, society, firm, partnership, joint stock company corporation, trust, and/or other legal entity, whether private or nonprofit, and any and all owners, officers, agents, and/or employees thereof.  

“Imminent Threat” means immediate action is needed to undertake tree cutting and/or removal in order to protect the public health, safety, welfare, or property, and/or to prevent a significant degradation to the environment. 

Residential Tree Removal Applications

Applies to any existing improved lot used entirely for residential purposes with no more than two (2) dwelling units and which is not the subject of an application for development. There is no fee associated with this type of application.

Residential Tree Removal Applicants may remove any number of dead trees and up to three (3) healthy and/or poor condition trees every twelve (12) months, except the following:

  1. any size tree planted pursuant to a Tree Replacement Plan subject to § 21-5.8; and
  2. trees located within the ROW and/or within three (3) feet of a public road may only be removed pursuant to § 21-5.2(c).

Residential Tree Removal Applicants may remove additional trees if any one or more of the reasons set forth in § 21-5.2(c) apply. Residential Tree Removal Applicants must also replace onsite, on a one-for-one basis, any healthy and/or poor condition trees removed in excess of three (3) trees within a twelve (12) month period, or pay a contribution to the Cherry Hill Tree Fund for each tree removed in excess of three (3) trees in the amount of $175.00. For example, an applicant seeking to remove 5 healthy trees will be required to replant two (2) replacement trees onsite or make a payment of $350.00 ($175.00 per tree) to the Cherry Hill Tree Fund.

Commercial Tree Removal Application

Applies to any improved or unimproved lot that is not a “Residential Tree Removal Application” as defined herein. There is a $100.00 application fee due upon the submission of a Tree Removal Permit Application.

Commercial Tree Removal Applicants may only remove trees if any one or more of the reasons set forth in § 21-5.2(c) apply. Commercial Tree Removal Applicants must also replace onsite, on a one-for-one basis, all healthy and/or poor conditions trees removed or pay a contribution to the Cherry Hill Tree Fund for each removed tree in the amount of $300.00. For example, an applicant seeking to remove 20 healthy trees and replant 10 trees onsite will be required to make a contribution of $3,000.00 ($300.00 per tree) to the Cherry Hill Tree Fund. Commercial Tree Removal Applicants may also be subject to any applicable conditions of approval and/or Site Plan requirements.

Submission and Review

Tree Removal Permit Applications may be mailed to the Department of Public Works building located at 1 Perina Boulevard Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, faxed to (856) 424-0119, or emailed to Please be advised that an inspection from the Cherry Hill Township Public Works Department may be required prior to issuance of the permit.

Please allow 7 business days for processing and approval, as an inspection from the Cherry Hill Township Public Works Department may be required prior to issuance of the permit.

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