Plant-A-Patch Community Gardens | Cherry Hill Township, NJ


As of a TBD date, you may start to garden your plot.

Please review these important documents below:

1. Plant-A-Patch Trash Guidelines (PDF)

2. Memo Of Understanding 2025 (PDF)

3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (PDF)


Garden Plot Map (PDF)

Garden Plot List (PDF)

When determining your plot, stand with your back to the Barclay Farmstead House/ long driveway.  Your plot is comprised of the 4 orange flags making up the 4 corners.  This is space is approximately 24′ x 24′.  Each row will have a row marker.  Each plot will have a yellow or blue plot marker with a plot number.  Each side of your plot will have a ~3′ walkway.  You are responsible for maintaining the right-side pathway.  

PAP 2024 Your Plot example

Important Information

You must be actively gardening by May 9th. After that date, the Township reserves the right to forfeit, adopt and/or re-assign abandoned/unattended plots.

All non-organic materials including, but not limited to, tools, stakes, strings, and plastic materials must be removed by Gardeners no later than Sunday, October 5th. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of the plot(s) for the following season.

Important Dates:

Saturday, March 1st, Seed Swap at the garden from 10:00 am-11:00 am.

Saturday, May 3rd- Seedling Swap at the garden 10am-Noon
 Friday, May 9th- Must be gardening date
 Saturday, July 26th- Food Pantry Donations 10am-Noon
 Thursday, August 21st- Harvest Dinner
 Sunday, October 5th- Closing day

Helpful Gardening Resources 

Plant-A-Patch 101 Fact Sheet (PDF)

Plant-A-Patch 101 (PDF)

Camden County Certified Gardeners

Phone: 856-216-7130   Email:

Recreation Department: 856-488-7868

Non-Emergency Number: 856-665-1200

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