New Jersey Rare Bird Alert – Week of November 20, 2024

This week’s birding scene in New Jersey has been particularly exciting, with a variety of rare and unusual species spotted across the state. Highlights include several goose species, numerous cranes, rare sandpipers, and notable raptors, along with a surprising number of hummingbirds.

Geese and Ducks:

  • The Greater White-fronted Goose was spotted in Bergen and Hunterdon counties, with multiple sightings across the region.
  • Cackling Geese were reported in Mercer, Bergen, and Warren, a smaller species often mistaken for Canada Geese.
  • Eurasian Wigeons have been spotted in Atlantic and Monmouth counties, with additional sightings in Ocean this week. These Eurasian counterparts to the American Wigeon are always exciting for birders.
  • American Coot was reported in Mercer, a rare sight this time of year, and an American Golden-Plover was seen in Cape May and Atlantic counties.

Sandhill Cranes:

  • Both Greater and Lesser Sandhill Cranes were spotted in Cape May, with reports from multiple locations including Mercer and Burlington. These cranes are a popular fall sight in New Jersey and add a dramatic presence to the landscape.


  • Wilson’s Snipe was seen in Passaic, and Pectoral Sandpipers were reported in Sussex. A range of sandpipers, including White-rumped and Semipalmated Sandpipers, were spotted in Atlantic and Ocean counties. Notably, Red Knot sightings continue in Atlantic.

Raptors and Owls:

  • American Goshawks were seen in Cape May and Monmouth, with multiple reports, suggesting a strong presence this week.
  • The Snowy Owl in Union County continues to draw attention, along with Barred Owls in Mercer and Monmouth counties.
  • The Golden Eagle was spotted in Passaic, making this a standout week for raptor enthusiasts.


  • The excitement for hummingbird watchers continues, with Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in Cape May and Ocean counties, along with Rufous Hummingbirds spotted in Somerset.

Other Notables:

  • Black-headed Gull was seen in Cape May, and a Glaucous Gull was reported in Hunterdon. Both are rare but occasional winter visitors to New Jersey.
  • Red-billed Tropicbird was seen off the coast of Cape May, a particularly rare bird for New Jersey, especially this time of year.
  • Baltimore Orioles were reported in Mercer, Monmouth, and Somerset, reminding us that some migrants are lingering longer than expected.

Warblers and Other Passerines:

  • Several warbler species have been making their presence felt, including a Black-and-white Warbler in Cape May and an Orange-crowned Warbler in both Essex and Union counties. Pine Warblers have been spotted in Mercer and Essex, and a Tennessee Warbler was seen in Camden.

Sparrows and Finches:

  • Lark Sparrows in Monmouth and White-crowned Sparrows (Gambel’s) in Somerset are always exciting. Additionally, Purple Finch sightings have been consistent in Burlington and surrounding counties, while Red Crossbill was reported in Burlington.

This week’s Rare Bird Alert reflects a diverse range of species, from waterfowl to shorebirds and songbirds, as well as a number of owls and raptors. The influx of hummingbirds, cranes, and warblers makes it an exceptional week for birdwatching in New Jersey!


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