President William Chegwidden
Mayor, Wharton Borough
Well, that was fun. This summer was filled with good times around the state, but we’ve also been working on important topics that are going to heat up as the temperature begins to fall.
Of particular interest is the new OPRA reform law, which was effective as of September 3. The League’s two Lunch and Learn events in June had over 800 participants and the August 28 educational webinar had over 700 participants. There is clearly a strong desire to learn the facts of the new law. There will also be further educational opportunities on OPRA at the League Conference.
Another item of interest to municipalities around the state is the announcement of numbers for the next round of Affordable Housing. We will be publishing a free special digital edition of New Jersey Municipalities magazine this month with information on Affordable Housing. Look on the Magazine page on the website to read and download your copy on September 12.
Looking ahead, the League Conference is fast approaching. The exhibit floor is sold out and registration is ahead of last years’–and we have so much more to tell you about. We’ve expanded our room block. We’ll also be adding a handful of “Elected Officials Roundtables” to the program. These are more informal sessions on selected topics that will be an opportunity to network and talk with your peers with an interest in the same issues. We’ll be announcing the networking roundtable session topics in the upcoming weeks. And there will be more new and exciting opportunities at the 2024 Annual Conference. Please keep an eye out for “New for 2024” programs and events.
Speaking of the Annual Conference, you can shape and create legislative priorities that will guide the League and help your community. Please remember to send the team at the League’s headquarters in Trenton a proposed resolution for consideration at the Conference Resolution Committee meeting held during the League’s Annual Conference in Atlantic City on November 19 at 3 p.m.
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