School of Science faculty member Monisha Pulimood takes on new role at NSF


Monisha Pulimood, professor of computer science at The College of New Jersey, went from applying for and receiving grants from the National Science Foundation to analyzing and reviewing them for potential funding.

Pulimood, who has been at the college since 2004, is now serving as a program director for the NSF.

“Over the years I have participated as a panelist to help recommend proposals for funding,” she said. “As I got more familiar with the process, one of the program directors asked me if I’d ever consider accepting a more formal role with the NSF.”

Monisha Pulimood stands in front of the NSF building in Washington D.C.
Monisha Pulimood at the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C.

At first, Pulimood was reluctant to pursue the opportunity as she was chairing TCNJ’s computer science department and executing several grants at the college. Also, her children were young and in school, which made a move to Washington, D.C., difficult.

But this past summer the stars aligned professionally and personally and Pulimood applied for and was accepted to the position of program director in the Division for Undergraduate Education in the Directorate for STEM Education.

In her role, she reviews grant applications from scientists, researchers, and faculty from across the country and recommends which should move forward and be considered for funding. She also manages awarded projects and engages in outreach activities to encourage more faculty, particularly from smaller institutions, to apply for funding.

“My focus is on undergraduate education, and I am primarily looking at applications that fall under three different programs in that area, focused on computer science: improving STEM education, scholarships in STEM, and community colleges,” she said.

Various factors determine if a proposal is likely to be recommended for funding.

“We have to look at budgets, collaboration potential, whether the proposal is unique and not something that has been done before, and whether it will advance knowledge in the field,” Pulimood said. “Many things are considered before a final decision is made on a proposal.”

Pulimood is enjoying her temporary role at the NSF and gaining valuable insight that will benefit her and her students when she returns to TCNJ.

“I do miss being in the classroom, but I am getting so many great and inspiring ideas that I will bring back with me,” she said. “There is so much opportunity for professional development and growth here. I will carry that with me when I am back at TCNJ.”

Luke Sacks

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